Every profession and area of specialization has one.
Like the medical line, they do have various terms with which they are familiar, same with the painting industry, there are also painting terms. Painters and sellers do know of various terms familiar to them.
You may be wondering, as a house owner or just a person not having anything to do in the painting industry, why you need to understand terms in the painting industry.
As professionals in any sphere, there are points and periods where you would need to hire a painter for your house project.
It is important that in conversing with them you talk like you are in the field, in other to be fully involved in the project.
In fact, talking in their language, makes them respect you and do your work perfectly well.
This can be because of the dear that the contractor also understands the painting industry
As a professional painter, you surely need to understand these terms, as it give you an edge while trying to get painting jobs. It shows you are an expert and that you have taken the time to study it.
Therefore, as a professional painter, house owner, or student in any field, you need to understand painting terms at one point or the other.
Today’s article is about common painting terms used in the industry
What are painting terms?
What are painting terms?
Terms in any industry refer to the concepts and ideas relating to a specific industry.
They are concepts usually used to explain ideas
Common Painting terms
Common Painting terms
What is Seeding: A seed is referred to as irregularly shaped square or round swellings (protrusions) that appear partially on or all over a paint film surface immediately after painting, Seeding is the process of these protrusions appearing on the wall. Here is a discussion that points to an example of a seed in painting, it could be as a result of the paint or the surface, here
Seeding is classified under painting defects, This means that it is an anomaly in painting that occurs as a result of the manufacturer’s error. It often shows up as air bubbles on painted surfaces.
As said earlier, there are various common terms used in the industry, seeding is one painting term you should know as a painter or client.
Seeding as a paint defect is primarily a factor that is peculiar to paint manufacturers and the paint company you as a client choose. Often times though it is related to poor wall or surface preparation.

After a while of spending on a painting project for an interior or exterior, it is inevitable that some holes, cracks, and openings surface.
As a result of this, water, rain, and air start coming in, this is where caulking comes in.
Caulking is the process of sealing gaps, openings, and cracks to fill in. A major purpose for this is to fill in those cracks and prevent various insects and pests from coming in through that hole.
It is also used in situations where you need to seal gaps and holes situated around windows and doors, filing cracks in dry walls, and sealing joints around sinks, and bathtops.
Building gaps around electrical outlets, plumbing pipes, etc.
Basically, this painting term is the one that is used to fill gaps and holes in buildings. if you are a DIY enthusiast you might want to look at this post on how to Caulk like a professional
Bleeding describes a situation where the underlined color or paint begins to show through the new paint.
Just like the name sounds the situation happens a lot with old buildings, not well painted walls and bad paints.
There are various reasons why this would happen, and one of these is that it can occur when they do not have sufficient time to cure or dry.
After the walls are painted, they need an atmosphere and weather to dry up. But when the environment seems so cold or frost, it delays the drying of the walls
Another cause of bleeding walls is high humidity. For instance, someone goes to take his bath in a bathroom that is newly painted, what happens in this situation is that the wall becomes sweaty.
Another cause is when a surface was not properly primed before painting.
In the long run, after your painting project, try to avoid a wet atmosphere on the wall, this is so that you can avoid bleeding on the wall.
Painting bright colors over dark colors can cause bleeding on your wall, preventing bleeding is an important consideration when planning your painting project.
You should take proper action in terms of washing the wall, the process of painting, and choosing high-quality paints.
It is not enough to know how to avoid bleeding, but how do you identify it? Bleeding often comes when you find little discolored areas, showing a different color from the consistency in carrying out your painting project. You should ensure to make use of quality paints, and also avoid making the surface wet, you need to give it time to dry.
This is one of the reasons why even clients and heads of homes need to understand painting terms like bleeding in order to advise other members of the family during a painting project.
In starting out painting your home, interior or exterior, you might want to design some surfaces, putting designs in some places with various colors.
Masking is the process of covering or protecting certain areas that you don’t want to paint on, you might decide to put in a triangle shape having a different color and with this, you need to cover one part of the wall or the other to avoid stains.
Common places that are usually masked out are windows, light switches, the floor, and other parts of the house that should not be stained with paint. Masking helps give neat work after a painting project.
The main purpose of masking is to have neat lines in between the painting work.
Some masking materials include painting tape, foam brushes, and plastic sheeting.
Recoat time
When starting a painting project there are various stages to achieve the best result.
After painting the first time, the painter must wait a little time for the first coated paint to dry before putting in the next.
This Recoat time is actually in every painting. The instructions on how to go about it are also there.
Rushing to his Recoat process can result in a low-quality painting project. It is important that as professional painters you strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines
While on your painting project, there are times when the paint appears to be too much that it drops off.
This is a painting term that is commonly used in the industry and it describes a situation where there are long dripping trails of paint form on a painted surface.
This often happens when too much paint is applied to a particular area
Another factor that causes this is when painting is done on an excessively dry surface. To avoid this, as a professional painter, you need to purchase quality paints and avoid filing the brush with too many paint coats.
Key takeaway
There are many other terms that are well explanatory at the sight of seeing
Examples include Hardness, Sample board, Spraying, Marble water, dry brushing, sponging, varnish, and dilution.