What is Satin Finish?
Satin finish is a type of paint finish that is silky, smooth and shiny. Professionals would tag it a semi gloss finish due to its high refractive index. This finish, due to the special processes involved in surface preparation, before its application, and generally the nature of the paint as a glossy finish, it shows details of the surfaces. This means, poorly prepared surfaces will have major challenges with the Satin finish as all imperfections on the surfaces will be brought to light.
Why is it called Satin?
The word “Satin” has a Chinese origin, originally the word was pronounced as ‘Zaitun’, and it was used to refer to a type of cloth weave, done by the Chinese that was extra smooth and silky. The word was transposed with passage of time and mutilation of history, and we were left with the word Satin.
The paint world borrowed the word Satin, which originally refers to a silky smooth type of Chinese weave/cloth, to now refer to a type of finish with a similar appearance to the silky weave cloth of the Chinese. Hence the Satin Finish. The word derives its origin from the Chinese port of Quangzuo.
What Does a Satin Finish look like?
A visual representation of a Satin Finish, is best presented in picture format, however, the prominent characteristics to be expected from a Satin Finish, is a mirror like appearance, shiny, silky and smooth. Its a semi gloss finish with fine detailing.

What are the Processes before the satin Application?
When we talk about the processes before a paint application, the first point of concern is always the surface preparation technique and processes. 80% of projects turn out bad or average, not because of the paint manufacturer or his product, a number of times, it falls back on the processes at surface preparation.
At this point, it is necessary to point out that each paint finish category, has a separate process of surface preparation. The process for glossy paints, is not the same with emulsion paints or textured finishes.
Wall Screeding
Immediately after your building walls have been plastered, and you intend to use a gloss finish for your walls. It is advised that you screed the walls. Wall screeding gives an even smoother feel to the wall surfaces, covering up rough edges, surfaces and making the wall smoother. There are two types of wall screeding, Cement Screeding and P.O,P wall Screeding.
Can Cement be used for Screeding?
A lot of questions have been asked if cement can be used for wall screeding. The process of using Cement for wall screeding is referred to as Cement Screeding. The raw materials which are used to achieve a cement wall screed includes gypsum cement or building cement, a binder, P.V.A or top bond and Gash. These materials are mixed together to form a cement screeding mixture which is then smoothened onto the wall using a hand equipment.
The P.O.P wall Screeding
The P.O.P wall screeding is a more advanced and modern form of wall screeding, the materials required for a P.O.P wall screed is purely just the screeding bond. This screeding bond specially prepared by the manufacturer contains every thing that is neeeded for the wall screeding, the only required thing is for the Mason is to scoop and screed. The screeding bond comes in two varieties, the thick screeding bond and the light screeding bond. Most commonly the thick screeding bond is referred to as ‘putty bond’.
Summary of the processes before Satin finish
As highlighted earlier, once your project has successfully been plastered using a cement plaster procedure, then the walls are screeded following standard operating procedures. Once the screeding has been done, and done excellently well, then the portions marked out for painting are selected and the portions not marked for painting is covered off.
This is done to avoid paint getting on places that it was not intended for and making a mess. The Satin Finish can then be applied using a paint roller or an airspray paint machine, using an airspray paint machine gives a great finish, although it may cost more, it is highly recommended.
Matte and Satin Finish
What is Matte Finish? A Matt finish refers to a paint with a non-glossy finish. A Satin Finish is a glossy finish, it could be a semi gloss or high glossy. A Matt Finish is the direct opposite of a Satin Finish, in simpler terms, the Satin finish is everything the Matte finish is not.
What is the Difference between Matte and Satin Finish?
Just as explained in the definition of Matte finish, the major difference between a Matte finish and a Satin finish is just the sheen level, which is also known as the gloss level. Matte finishes have a lower sheen when compared to Satin finishes, although Matte finish is becoming popular and can serve as an alternative to the Satin finish when the cost becomes a major player.
What is the Price of Satin Finish in Nigeria?
Satin finish is one of the most expensive finishes available, Stucco is more expensive than the Satin paints however the Satin finish is still expensive. it is also one of the best.
A number of different brands in Nigeria and outside Nigeria have different prices for their brands, However, the price range is from 60,000NGN to 250,000 NGN per 20L bucket. It is also necessary to note that prices are not static and can change with varying market experiences. you can visit our store section to find out our current price for this quarter.
Flat and Satin Finish
A flat finish mostly borders around Matte finishes, This is because a Flat finish simply has no sheen or shine to it, its more like a dull expression, smooth, silky but dull, however, satin is smooth, silky, and has a sheen or glossy appearance. this characteristics makes Satin far more desirable than flat or Matte finishes.
Satin Finish is one of the best finishes you can pick for your next project, it is expensive but provides the needed value and class to a property. Read through this article on Satin emulsions to gain a better understanding of the concept of Satins.
There are options to Satin finishes, there is the Matte finish which is often times cheaper, and the Flat finish. These alternatives are great fixes when Satin becomes too expensive for you. Just before I sign off remember that a bad wall screeding can do you more harm than good, always go for the professionals to help get your Job done. Give us a call today We reach anywhere within Nigeria and Africa.